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Coelho´s Language Creations

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Hello Amazing Fellow Educators! I graduated with a Master of Arts in Child Study and Education and teaching specialization in French as an Additional Language from the University of Toronto in June 2022. My resources aim to make students´ learning of the English, French, and Spanish languages authentic and fun, emphasizing the essential language acquisition skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing.




Hello Amazing Fellow Educators! I graduated with a Master of Arts in Child Study and Education and teaching specialization in French as an Additional Language from the University of Toronto in June 2022. My resources aim to make students´ learning of the English, French, and Spanish languages authentic and fun, emphasizing the essential language acquisition skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
La Gentillesse Lesson - Kindness/Gratitude Lesson (in French)

La Gentillesse Lesson - Kindness/Gratitude Lesson (in French)

This cross-curricular lesson in French on kindness will allow your students to learn more about what it means to be kind and pay it forward in their daily lives, thereby empowering them to be active citizens who act out of kindness. It can be used with primary and secondary students, but the difficulty level of the activities may need to be slightly modified depending on your group of students. A link to a Google doc with the full lesson plan outline/slide activity instructions in French is included. Socio-emotional learning skills will be developed as students learn to reflect on how they can show kindness and gratitude in their lives and with others. The Science of Kindness video is in English, but can be muted or taken out.
Kindness/Gratitude Lesson (includes powerpoint and full lesson plan)

Kindness/Gratitude Lesson (includes powerpoint and full lesson plan)

This cross-curricular lesson on kindness will allow your students to learn more about what it means to be kind and pay it forward in their daily lives, thereby empowering them to be active citizens who act out of kindness. It can be used with primary and secondary students, but the difficulty level of the activities may need to be slightly modified depending on your group of students. A link to a Google doc with the full lesson plan outline/slide activity instructions is included. Socio-emotional learning skills will be developed as students learn to reflect on how they can show kindness and gratitude in their lives and with others.
Presentation on Kindness

Presentation on Kindness

This presentation on kindness has videos and interactive activities that students can do in the classroom to show kindness to one and other. This is perfect as a homeroom or tutor time activity to do with your tutor or homeroom group of students.
Lessons on emotional understanding and empathetic behaviours

Lessons on emotional understanding and empathetic behaviours

This three part lesson is perfect for promoting emotional understanding and empathetic behaviours in the classroom as a means of developing your young students’ theory of mind. A link to the detailed lesson plans is included along with examples of each lesson. Note*: The lessons are aligned with the Ontario Grade 2 Language Arts, Social Studies, and Visual Arts Curriculum Expectations (The specific strands are included in the PDF).
Activities - Setting S.M.A.R.T. Goals

Activities - Setting S.M.A.R.T. Goals

Through these series of activities, students will learn more about their unique personnalities and how to set S.M.A.R.T. goals for themselves to be equipped with the skills they need to succeed as 21st century citizens.
Responsible Citizenship Through Environmental Sustainability

Responsible Citizenship Through Environmental Sustainability

This cross-curricular social studies unit aims to inspire responsible citizenship in promoting environmental sustainability. By integrating the social studies inquiry process with the language, visual arts, science, and mathematics curriculum, students can develop their knowledge, skills, and confidence in taking responsible action and participating in environmentally sustainable practices within their school community and beyond. This unit consists of eleven engaging lessons organized into two sections - awareness and action. The purpose of the first six lessons is to have students reflect on their perspective of and relationship to the environment. The awareness section also focuses on building a collective awareness of the principles of environmental sustainability. The remaining five lessons are structured to mobilize students to take action on an environmental issue of interest that was explored at the beginning of the unit (see Unit Overview Chart). Note: The lessons in this unit plan are aligned with the Ontario Curriculum expectations.*
Socio-emotional learning mindsets activity

Socio-emotional learning mindsets activity

This SEL activity will allow your students to learn about the differences between having a fixed and growth mindset. Instructions: Put students in small groups or have them work in partners to classify the statements provided (the coloured squares with the statements can be cut out).
Lessons on emotional understanding and empathetic behaviours

Lessons on emotional understanding and empathetic behaviours

This three part lesson is perfect for promoting emotional understanding and empathetic behaviours in the classroom as a means of developing your young students’ theory of mind. A link to the detailed lesson plans is included along with examples of each lesson. Note*: The lessons are aligned with the Ontario Grade 2 Language Arts, Social Studies, and Visual Arts Curriculum Expectations (The specific strands are included in the PDF).